1. Clean your mason jar well
2. Place 3 tablespoons of sprouting seeds into your jar and cover with water.
3. Place your cheesecloth or spouting lid on the jar and swirl the water and seeds, then pour out the water to rinse the seeds. Add 2-4 cups of filtered water and let the seeds soak overnight.
4. The next morning, swirl and drain all the water. Leave the jar upsidedown or at an angle to allow it to keep draining. Repete this rinsing and draining process. process a few times a day. After 3-5 days, your sprouts will have grown to fill the jar and will be starting to turn green.
5. Once they are at your desired size and "sprouted-ness", place the sprouts in a bowl of clean water, moving them around with your hand. Remove the husks that float to the top of the bowl.
4. Drain your sprouts and place them in a salad spinner to remove excess moisture, then place on a paper towel to get them nice and dry. They are now ready to eat!
5. Dry out your mason jar and line the bottom with a paper towel. Return the sprouts to the jar and store in the refrigerator for up to a week.