Tackling food waste has been a hot topic of conversation in San Diego over the last few years. We are lucky to live in a city that is passionate about no-waste cooking, diverting food waste, composting, and supporting our local growers. And, if you’re like me, no-waste extends beyond food.

Have you seen the videos of the scientists pulling straws out of the sea turtle’s nostrils? (Warning, it is heartbreaking.) Or how about the sea horse that is latched on to a Q-Tip? It needs to stop and it can start with us. If we can all pledge to eliminate (or at least partially eliminate) single use items from our homes, especially plastic, we are off to a good start.

Plastic is the worst single-use item on the planet. Every piece of plastic that was ever created remains on our earth in some way today. In honor of Earth Day, let’s ban together and do our part to make our community a more sustainable one. Tell a friend that you’re taking the no-waste challenge and maybe they’ll try it too.

Don’t know where to start? We have eight swaps to get you started.

Ditch plastic wrap, and say hello to Bees Wrap

We LOVE our Bees Wraps. We wrap our cheeses and loaves of bread in it, cover bowls of leftovers with it, and can’t believe how versatile this plastic alternative is. You can purchase Bees Wraps directly online or visit our friends at City Farmers Nursery, who stock an assortment of different sizes.

Drop the Ziplocks, and say hello to Mason Jars

Jars literally come in all shapes and sizes. Small ones for dressings, medium ones for that extra half an onion, large ones for snacks or mason jar salads; when in doubt, throw it in a jar! There are also a ton of dishwasher safe lid alternatives that don’t rust. Pro tip: You can

Say no to plastic straws, and meet re-usable metal ones

They come in all lengths and diameters. We have short ones for cocktails, wide ones for smoothies, bent ones for pint glasses…you name it, it’s out there! Almost all of the packs of metal straws will come with a cleaning brush too. Have no fear, they’re super easy to clean. You can buy them online or at Collins & Coupe.

See ya, store bought cleaners, hello DIY cleaners

We have been making our own all-purpose house cleaner for six years now. I love doing this for many reasons: firstly, I know EXACTLY what is in each cleaner and all items are safe and chemical-free. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient, chances are it’s not natural. It is also WAY cheaper to make your own cleaners than to buy them! The average bottle of cleaner at the store is approximately $4.00. It costs on average about $30.00 for all the ingredients in our all-purpose cleaner and I can literally make at least 25 batches out of it. To make our recipe from EpicureanSanDiego.com, you'll need: 8 cups hot water, 2 tablespoons Borax, 2 tablespoons Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap, 1/2 cup Distilled White Vinegar, 1 tablespoon Tea Tree Oil, 1 tablespoon Eucalyptus Oil, and 1 tablespoon Lavender Oil. Mix all the ingredients in a large jug, and you're ready to go. Watch the video here if you want to see how easy it is.

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