We are a third of the way through 2019 and we're already impressed with the progress we've made on our wellness routines thanks to the natural health experts at Bastyr University who have generously sponsored this series. So far we have tackled a digital detox, spring cleaning, and talking trash, and this month we're turning our attention to how we're hydrating.

Maria: I forget to drink enough water on most days and I feel it. Dry skin, headaches, and fatigue are my common ailments related to dehydration that I hope to resolve with this wellness challenge. The headaches and fatigue plague me most late afternoons, followed by self-scrutiny for forgetting to drink water throughout the day. I’ve loosely maintained the habit of starting my day with a 16 ounce glass of room temperature water mixed with the juice from a freshly squeezed lemon in the past and this is something I’d like to start doing again.

The common recommendation from health authorities is to drink 8 cups of water per day, about two liters, and I estimate that I am currently missing this mark by at least half. I’ll also be less fickle about this goal and look forward to seeing if drinking enough water helps improve how I’m feeling. With summer and warm weather ahead of us, it’s the perfect time to bring attention to this topic of self-care that most of us are aware of. In fact, I’m going to go have a glass of water right now.

Olivia: Thanks for the reminder, Maria! I’ve got a full glass next to me now I’m just about to down. I notice a dramatic difference between days I’m drinking enough water and those I am not so I’m glad we’re going to direct our mindfulness to this challenge. I imagine it will be very tough in the beginning and then it’ll become something I do without thinking about. That’s the dream, am I right? But seriously, something so simple as properly hydrating myself can feel like a daunting task instead of something that helps me feel and perform my best every day. I’m looking forward to valuing the ritual and habit of hydration and learning to become grateful for the wellness it encourages. And on that note, I’m off to drink another glass right now!

Join Maria and Olivia by challenging yourself with 14 days of hydration starting May 1, 2019. Follow along and share your experience using #EdibleSDWellnessChallenge and tagging Edible San Diego.

Instagram: @ediblesd | Twitter: @ediblesandiego | Facebook: @ediblesandiego

About Our Sponsor

The nutrition faculty at Bastyr University is on a mission to support the local community through health and nutrition education. Bastyr University opened its campus in San Diego in 2012, while the main campus in Washington State recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. Bastyr is a global leader in evidenced-based natural health education, and the local campus located in Sorrento Valley offers two nutrition degrees: Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Culinary Arts (BSNCA) and Master of Science in Nutrition for Wellness (MSNW).

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About the Contributor
Maria Hesse
Maria Hesse is the executive editor and designer of Edible San Diego. Her interest in functional arts led to a degree in interior design, which inspires her passion to be an advocate for sustainable living through food. She enjoys balcony gardening and designing crochet patterns in her downtime. Find her @mariafromediblesd and @waysidestudiowest on Instagram.