Lentils Sopita, Veggie Stir Fry with Rice Stick Noodles, and Onion Pie

Many of us share fond memories and special bonds with loved ones through food. Recipes document the multigenerational traditions and flavors that define our being. When we asked readers to share their favorite recipes with a chance to be featured on the cover of this issue, nearly a dozen viable submissions came in with beautiful stories attached about the families, communities, places, and events that made these recipes meaningful.

Volunteer judges reviewed the recipes and chose three to test: Chef Keith Lord picked Onion Pie, while Dr. Sabrina A. Falquier selected Lentils Sopita, and Alicia Pivirotto-Pearlman went with the Seasonal Veggie Stir-Fry with Rice Stick Noodles. All were delicious, but the Onion Pie won us over with each comforting bite. Many thanks to Jimbo’s for sponsoring the groceries, to Mary Platos of Ethos Culinary for the extra help in the kitchen, and the readers who participated in the first Cook the Cover contest.

Recipe submissions have been modified for you to recreate at home.

Keep an eye out for the next Cook the Cover contest in spring 2024.

Alicia Pivirotto-Pearlman, Keith Lord, and Dr. Sabrina A. Falquier
Three volunteer judges signed up to select and test reader recipes for the first Cook the Cover contest. From left: Alicia Pivirotto-Pearlman, Keith Lord, and Dr. Sabrina A. Falquier.

Onion Pie

Cover winning recipe submitted by Amy Cunningham

This dish was served at most of our family holiday or birthday gatherings at the home of my mother-in-law, Florence Cunningham, who even into her 80s served up fabulous feasts. I always think of her and good times when I make it, and it always gets surprised raves. It’s a little like a quiche in a casserole dish—very simple and elegant.

Recipe for Onion Pie >>

A slice of onion pie on a blue plate
Optional add-ins for Onion Pie include diced Canadian bacon, sliced mushrooms, chopped broccoli, diced bell peppers, zucchini, parsley, or pimento. This dish is endlessly versatile!

Lentils Sopita

Submitted by Angelica Gastelum

I have a family tradition of making Lentils Sopita that I started with my children. It’s a recipe passed down from my grandmother, and the term sopita is used to describe something small but valuable. My grandmother, Rafaela Alvarez, used to make sopita de lentejas to show us her love and affection. My spin was to add vegetables to make it more nutritious!

Recipe for Lentils Sopita >>

Lentils Sopita with blue napkin and wooden spoon
Lentils Sopita with cubed queso, avocado, and cilantro.

Seasonal Veggie Stir-Fry with Rice Stick Noodles

Submitted by Thi Vo

This dish is a crowd-pleaser that my mom, Mai Tran, makes year-round. The recipe is a staple in my family because we are able to switch out our proteins and veggies depending on the season and the audience we’re serving. Vegetable ratios can be adjusted based on taste! Feel free to swap out any vegetables you don’t like.

Recipe for Seasonal Veggie Stir-Fry with Rice Stick Noodles >>

Veggie stir fry with rice stick noodles and tofu in white noodle bowl with blue patterned napkin
Veggie Stir Fry with Rice Stick Noodles is the perfect recipe for eating a rainbow of vegetables any time of year.

This article originally published in issue 71.

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